Welcome to River Run Ranch!
The place where you and your horse come to learn.
April Smith/River Run Ranch
1329 Barney Hill Rd.
Elkland Pa 16920
APRIL SMITH/Fox on Facebook
Training fee is $1000 for 30 days. (5 days a week)
I am also offering training where I work the horse 3x a week. This works well for winter when the weather
isn't always nice. Or for a horse that just needs some consistant work for a while. The fee for this is $800
for 30 days.
Weekly training will be $250 for return horses and $275 for new horses (for the first week will go
down to $250 for each additional week).
Hourly rate for lessons or horse work will be $60 hr at my farm, $80 hr + travel for away work.. Taking
bookings for weekend sessions for you and your horse. Normal weekend schedule would be Friday eve. 2 hrs., Sat. 2 hrs,
and Sunday 2 hrs. So an estimate. would be 6 hrs for a long weekend.
Saddle Fitting is $60 per horse here (travel fee's will apply). Adjustments are extra. If I have to take your saddle apart
it will be $100 at a min.
Now training is available for Mounted shooting. Additional fee's apply:
30 days = $100
2 wks = $50
1 wk = $25
This covers the cost of ammo and balloons.
Now offering Field Trial Training to our list!!
I have the ability to work your horse with
dogs, guns, ect. to help them to adapt to the world of Field Trialing. I work closely with experienced Field Trialers to help
your horse to understand the vast requirements of Field Trials.
Training fee's requirements: Half down/ Half when done
Hoof work/hoof boot use/special feed/ect. are additional
We don't just do riding training. Ground manners, roundpen and ground work, ect. Having trouble with your horse respecting
your space on the ground, we can fix that and show you how to keep it! Want to put some handling time on that youngster and
give it some manners! We do that too. We can pony young horses out on the trail, teach them to lead and respect your space.
Load in a trailer, long line, lunge, yield hind quarters, turn on the fore, sidepass ext. Lots of work can be done prior
to riding them.
A neg. coggins and proof of shots is required for any horse to arrive on the farm. This is for your horse's
safety as well as mine.
